TEDx Speaker Coaching

1 on 1 Coaching

Want More Details About 1 on 1 Coaching for Landing TEDx Stages?

Good for you, you little go-getter…

You’re officially one step closer to going and getting on a TEDx stage. How awesome is that??

If you found this page, it is my sincere hope that you’ve already read through THIS PAGE that talks about the big idea in general. If you haven’t made it there, some of this may feel like it starts in the middle and you’ll miss the 5 step process and a link to some free ideas to help you.

If you’re in love with the idea of the 1 on 1 coaching, don’t even bother going there…I got you 😉

Consider this the Done With You, For You And Around Your Schedule Option

The BIG IDEA here is to get you on a TEDx stage. One that works your big idea, geographical preference, and a place that’s going to help you build your authority.

To support that, the program includes several meetings that are designed to help you:

Understand what flies and what won’t at most TEDx's. We’ll go over the ground rules and discuss why not all X events are created equal.

Get crystal clear on your BIG IDEA. This could mean us going through 17 of your big ideas to narrow it down to the ONE. We’ll spend the time together to make sure what you want to share is something people will find great value in hearing.

Once we have that nailed down I go to work on the first draft of “the pitch”. This becomes our North Star once we agree upon it. We’ll shoot it back and forth a few times to make it right.

I’ll have curated a list of events that will be a good fit for you to apply to in the meantime.

Our next meeting will be the first draft of your video presentation. This first draft can be audio if necessary. We’ll continue to make sure you and your pitch are connected. And once you are, we’ll talk about making friends with other TEDx communities.

I know what you’re thinking…is the pitch THAT important? YES!! how else do you stand out amongst over 200 applications?

We’ll definitely make time to go over the rest of the application process as well. And if you’re into it, Ill have a little spreadsheet put together to help you chart our progress.

The Results

⚪️At the end of our sessions, which will number between 4-6 and last up to 8 weeks (maybe longer…again…working around you and your timeframe) you’ll have:

⚪️A rock solid pitch that will help your message get heard

⚪️An understanding of the fundamental s of how, where and when to apply

⚪️The groundwork for the application process(es) right at hand

⚪️TEDx event list that is specifically crated for you to apply to based on where you are and your interests

⚪️The right approach to use to make new friends in the TEDx community

⚪️A simple methodology you can use the next time you have to present information in a meaningful way

The Investment The investment for all of the above, and the opportunity for us to laugh and learn together is $2500.

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