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Why People Download This E-Book?

The workbook is the perfect companion to the

Finding Harmony in the F*cks You Give


I mean, what’s the point of reading a bunch of things that can help you without doing the work to truly help yourself.

This is your journey, the authors are your guides. We can tell you where to look to find the things you want to see, but if you don’t actually do the searching, you will miss out on the experience.

This working is full of some very insightful exercises.

While this is designed to accompany the main book, we believe these exercises will help you Take a Deep Dive into finding what matters to you.

About The Book

It doesn’t really matter if you call it “stress,” “anxiety,” “worry” or “FOMO.” These all lead to a feeling of uneasiness. And that’s just not a fun way to live.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a trusted system that helped you:

  • Deal with the root cause.

  • Feel better in a moment’s time.

  • Focus on what actually matters—to you.

  • Effectively deal with past trauma once and for all.

  • Recognize when feelings were coming BEFORE they swallowed you whole.

  • Give your “triggers” a rest.

This Book Will Change Your Life. If You Let It. Get your copy now!

What Readers are saying...

Mari-Liis Vaher

Powerful Marketers

What a great book! It was an easy reading, on point, and FULL of practical tips on how to live your life in harmony. I appreciate the worksheets that helped put important action points into practice. That's what makes this book so valuable! As it is easily understandable, it is a good reading for adults and the younger generation as they can easily relate to this content.

Carolyn Sauer

Schaltbau GmbH

This book is a great, easy read. There is so much concisely packaged information that I’m going through it again more slowly and using each chapter as a journaling prompt for self-reflection. Highly recommend!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy the book?

Yes. All you have to do is go to and I'll even sign and ship you one.

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Is there an ebook available?

Yes there is. Feel free to message me at and I'll help you get that sorted.

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Is there an audio version of the book?

At the time of posting this, that is still another item on my "to-do" list. If you want to see it happen, message me demanding an audio version ;-)


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