A Great Coach Helps You Gain Clarity

and Holds You Accountable to the

Impact You're Destined to Create.

Ready to Play a Bigger Game?

What People Are Saying:

Terry is someone who sees so deeply into your soul and heart and pulls out your talents. The Coach that challenges you in such a way to bring out the best of you in ways you never even imagined.

Jeff Clatterbaugh ~ Independent Bank

Terry is a difference maker for people. He is a leader that really cares about others and helping improve their lives.

"Terry has a knack for breaking things down into manageable steps, making it easier for me to move forward. And honestly, since I’ve been following his advice I’ve seen real changes—not just in my business and personal life, but most importantly, in my mindset.”

Let's Create a Bigger Vision, Keep You Focused on Achieving It, and Guide You Through the Best Path to Get There!

Here Are 3 Specific Areas Where Terry Bean Adds Amazing Value to Clients:

Business Growth

Whether you're a solopreneur or have 100 employees, business growth has a ton of challenges, but they often come down to the same thing:

What to do next!

As an excellent sounding board with 15 years of coaching experience, I will help you reach your peak.


Your brand, your messaging, your influence...all of these things matter, a LOT.

Being positioned as the go-to player in your space is a game-changer for new business growth, hiring, and becoming a thought-leader.

If you're really ready to step into your best life, it starts with how others see you. Let's work on your positioning!

Public Speaking

If you need to persuade people into taking action, your public speaking skills matter.

Clients have called on my coaching for everything from winning the BIG proposal, to landing on a TEDx stage, to winning a Mrs. Universe pageant.

Your message matters. So does your delivery. I'll make sure you're amazing with both.

How we do it

I prefer one to one coaching over the whole group thing. It's deeper, more prescriptive, and ultimately more effective.

We can meet in person, on zoom, and/or over the phone.

The timing and duration of our sessions depends on the package you select.

While Each Package Differs, They All Follow A Similar Process

The Looking Glass

Session 1 is always a deep dive with the same goals and outcomes:

Let's figure out where you've been, where you want to go, what you've done to get there, and what is holding you back. Newsflash: The answer to the last question is ALWAYS the same.

This session is called "The Looking Glass" because I will be holding the mirror up so you can clearly see Who You Are, What You Want, and What You Are Truly Capable Of. You'll notice this mirror coming out again and again when we meet.

Once we get clarity in the discovery session, we can move on to the next step.

Your True North

The Cheshire Cat famously quipped: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Trust me when I tell you, that's not how growth works. We need to have a destination. The clearer we are on where you want to go, the smoother and easier it is to plot the course.

We'll take the information uncovered in "the looking glass" and we will build a VERY specific roadmap complete with turn by turn directions to get you where you want to go.

Attitudes, Beliefs, and Habits

When you're serious about changing how things are flowing in your life, you HAVE to become serious about some of the daily routines you run.

We'll make sure your attitudes are straight, take out my mental scalpel and clear out some of your head-trash. and help you build the habits you'll need to succeed.

If you're the type who requires some extra motivation, we'll map and track those habits in a very cool app.

Information Dissemination

New skills require new knowledge. Some of that knowledge will be shared directly by me. Other times it will be through posts, podcasts, books, and more. Our goal is to help you grow and it's going to take a village worth of information. We got this!

The Checkpoints

We're going to have a routine schedule for getting together. There are three types of meetings we'll partake in:

The Deep dive: There will generally be only one of these, unless we work to solve multiple challenges. This is a 3-hour session and will be conducted face to face (by zoom if not in person).

Face to face: Either in person, or via video chat (zoom). These sessions will typically be 60-90 minutes (except for the deep dive).

5-minute stand up - These are very quick accountability sessions to share progress and what you're going to work on next. We will also remove any potential roadblocks.

You will also have full on e-mail and text support 24/7.

We'll Know We've Reached Our Destination When...

You've grown into the new life you seek. Maybe it's you've mastered new presentation skills that will set you up for the future, your business is growing, or you've become the leader you know you can be, we'll know.

Of course there are other options too: Most of my engagements start as three months projects. That gives us a great idea if we're a good fit for one another. Sometimes we stop working after three months. Other times, we move on to an ongoing maintenance program.

The 3-Month Program

Month 1

Let's Get Unstuck.

Month 1 of the 3-month plan is ALL about getting unstuck.

You'll gain clarity on which ideas will work and which ones won't.


You're going to LOVE the clarity.

We'll also be working on your mindset because the BIG goals you want to achieve will no doubt require a shift here.

Month 2

Let's Go.

This ongoing program is all about accountability. We'll start with the deep dive and make sure you have clarity around where you're going.

Once we've established the direction, we'll agree to the habits you'll want to adapt to become the person your future needs you to be.

We have a couple of options for meeting cadence: Two 90 minute sessions/month or one 90-minute session + 12 five minute check-ins.

Month 3

Let's Grow!

This comprehensive program provides you ALL of the ideation, support, and cheerleading you'll need to achieve your mission. There's also the "Beanie in the bottle" component. You'll never know what kind of magic I can create until we jump into it.

We'll do ALL the "Let's Go" stuff plus make sure there's plenty of time and touch points to get you where you want to go as efficiently as possible.

You'll quickly learn why clients love working with me!

More Ways to TryBean

$600/ one time

Traction Sesh

This 3-hour session is perfect to get you moving confidently in the direction of your dreams.

It's similar to deep dive we do in every coaching program, just designed to solve the one (or two) BIG problem(s) that are holding you back.

You'll walk out of this session with clear next steps that will get you where you want to go.


Accountability Calls

In the world of software they have "daily stand up" meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to report what you're going to do today, what you accomplished yesterday, and what roadblocks stand in your way.

We're going to do the same thing.

We will have three five minute calls per week. The schedule can be fluid, but we will make sure we check in ON THE PHONE three times EVERY week to keep you moving forward!



My coaching programs are generally 3 months in length. The challenge is, most people want to set another goal or continually moving forward.

So let's make it easy to do that.

When we are in maintenance mode, we keep the value and cut the time commitment in half.

We will meet two times a month either virtually, in person, or via phone. You will also have email and text support.

What Other People Have Said

Mari-Liis Vaher -

Powerful Marketers

Terry is definitely a great person to collaborate with because his dedication to give value and help people grow is inspiring.

Kirk King - Halo Programs

Terry Bean helped me through some of the toughest situations I ever had to deal with. As a business coach his strengths and knowledge of handling personnel issues was straight forward and invaluable.

Breana Baranek - Mammoth Video

Terry's insights, strategies, and practical advice have profoundly impacted both my business, and my mindset.

Are You Ready?

Let's Go. Let's Grow!

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